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Egyptian Football Association. 5 Gabalaya Street, El-Gezira. Cairo El-Borg Post Office

founded: 1921
affiliated to: UAFA / UNAF / CAF / FIFA
affiliated since: 1974 / 2005 / 1957 / 1923
stadium: Cairo International Stadium (75,000)
phone: +202 273 517 93
fax: +202 273 678 17



1951: Mediterranean Games (runner-up)1955: Mediterranean Games (winner)
1957: African Cup of Nations (winner)1959: African Cup of Nations (winner)
1962: African Cup of Nations (runner-up)1986: African Cup of Nations (winner)
1987: African Games (winner)1992: Arab Cup of Nations (winner)
1995: African Games (winner)1998: African Cup of Nations (winner)
2006: African Cup of Nations (winner)2008: African Cup of Nations (winner)
2010: African Cup of Nations (winner)
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